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Former President Bill Clinton concluded his presidential impeachment with an apology to the citizens of the United States in 1998. So, would it then be tradition for the next impeached POTUS to issue an apology to the country for his wrongdoings?

Current President Donald J. Trump, or the third president to be impeached and the third to be acquitted, has thus far not expressed any remorse for his actions while in office and isn’t expected to.

The Senate impeachment trial has come to an end. It may or may not be forgotten, and for future American generations, the repercussions could be felt.

With America in constant political disagreement, has the nation been given a chance for closure?

It is a possibility that this can be resolved in the 2020 presidential election in November, but the results of this impeachment trial must be made clear before looking forward to later 2020.

The Republican majority acquitted Trump of the two articles of impeachment, abuse of power and obstruction of Congress, on a mostly party-line vote on February 5. The vote was a punctuation, falling in the middle of the week.

The State of the Union address from President Trump, the night before, received a great deal of opinionated responses even from the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, who was caught on camera ripping up her copy of Trump’s speech at the conclusion of the program. Ruling it “a manifesto of mistruths,” Pelosi later followed her reaction saying, “it was the courteous thing to do.”

The week of President Trump’s acquittal illustrates the conflictual fast pace of our current politics. On Monday, February 3, the people of Iowa cast the first major votes of 2020 during the state’s primary caucuses, which resulted in confusion as a technical glitch prevented the immergence of a clear winner. At the same time, the House managers and Trump’s defense team in Washington presented closing arguments in the Senate trial. The next day Trump’s State of the State of the Union address was delivered in the House chamber to mixed reception, depending on your political affiliation. On Wednesday, February 5, the final impeachment vote to acquit Trump was held by the Senate along party-lines, with Sen. Mitt Romney, R-Utah, as the only Republican dissenter. Concluding the week, on Friday, February 7, the 2020 Presidential Democrats went head-to-head in the final debate before the state’s primary that took place in New Hampshire on February 11, 2020, which Sen. Bernie Sanders, D-Vt., won with a slim margin over South Bend, Ind. Mayor Pete Buttgieg.

It’s a long road to November.


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